At the heart of Kollel Toldos Moshe Dov are the avreichim – budding young scholars engaged in the full-time pursuit of Torah study. The presence of committed talmidei chachamim in the Ashkelon Kehillah is a paragon of the significance and relevance of Torah in Jewish life as has been the key to our success.
Kollel Toldos Moshe Dov boasts 18 outstanding avreichim, dedicated bnei Torah and talmidei chachamim, who commute daily to Ashkelon from nearby cities including Beitar Illit, Ashdod and Kiryat Gat to learn with the Russian baalabatim.
Our Beis Medrash encompasses a Pre-Shacharis Kollel, Morning Kollel, Afternoon Kollel, and Night Kollel, in the framework of which experienced avreichim learn with fresh and longtime baalei teshuvah and facilitate their learning and spiritual growth. Baruch Hashem, over several years, many of our baalabatim have advanced tremendously, making enormous strides in their learning to become genuine talmidei chachamim.
Our Beis Medrash also hosts professional lecturers who teach Torah, Halachah, and Jewish philosophy classes in Russian.
The Kollel avreichim feel privileged to partner with Toldos Moshe Dov in growing the local Torah community and spreading the ideals of ahavas haTorah and limud Torah. In the broader scope of its mission, the Kollel endeavors to serve as a vital communal resource for the growth and enhancement of Jewish Ashkelon.